Driving Sustainability through Greener Making Practices.

Together we Craft a Greener Future, One Sustainable Creation at a Time!

Raising awareness

Awareness Acts & Events

CSR collaboration

Large scale Sustainability Solutions

Sustainable production

Precious Plastic Lab
Plastic Recycling System

Digital Lab
3D Printing
Laser Cutting
CNC Milling

Traditional Lab
Wood Working

360° making education

In AthensMakerspace
Machine Operation Learning

In your place

1.3+ tonnes

of plastic recycled

2+ tonnes

of CO2 saved


seminars taught

Raising awareness

At Athens Makerspace, we believe in the power of collective action to drive
positive change. Through our Sustainability Acts, we are dedicated to raising
awareness and fostering a culture of environmental sustainability within our
community. From educational events and awareness campaigns to social
outreach programs, we empower individuals to make informed choices and
take meaningful steps towards a sustainable future. Join us in our mission to
create a healthier, more resilient planet for future generations.

Sustainable Production

As a hub for creativity and innovation, Athens Makerspace is committed to leading by example when it comes to sustainability. Our Sustainability Workplace reflects our dedication to implementing sustainable practices in our own operations. From utilizing recyclable materials to producing large-scale constructions from 100% recycled plastic, we prioritize sustainability in everything we do. By creating a sustainable workspace, we aim to inspire others to adopt similar practices and contribute to a more sustainable future.

360° making education

Education is key to driving meaningful change. At Athens Makerspace, we’re passionate about empowering individuals to become responsible makers. Through our Responsible Making Academy, we offer a range of educational programs focused on creativity, innovation, and sustainability. Whether it is workshops, courses, or hands-on projects, our goal is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills they need to create sustainable solutions for real-world challenges. Join us in building a community of responsible makers dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

Partnerships & Collaborations